March 3, 2023

IntelBrief: Meet the “White Power Rangers”: The Far-Right Violent Extremist Group Gaining Traction in Russia

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  • A little-known far-right extremist group known as the “White Power Ranger Squad” (WPRS) seems to be gaining traction within Russia as the country prepares for a protracted conflict with Ukraine.
  • The group, which recruits and trains members inside Russia, is some combination of a survivalist, reconnaissance, tactical, and weapons enthusiast network.
  • In Russia, WPRS members have reportedly been seen training with customized weapons, operating at night and on complex terrain, operating drones, practicing raids on buses and buildings, and using gas masks while maneuvering through smoky tunnels.
  • Groups of various ideological hues of Russian nationalism and Eurasianism have often exalted WPRS, and with no end to the conflict in sight, this trend in growth of support by ultranationalists is likely to continue.