March 2, 2022 | 10:00 – 11:00 am ET
The Soufan Center hosted a webinar entitled, “The Roles of Cities: Strengthening Resilience, Governance, and Security.” On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, the webinar explored the roles of cities in countering complex security and governance challenges, including preventing and countering violent extremism. This discussion expounded on analysis shared in our new Issue Brief, “Promoting Democracy and Security in Africa: Don’t Forget Cities,” by TSC Senior Visiting Fellow Eric Rosand and Daniel Hooton, which focuses on the work of local government and cities in Africa in strengthening democratic governance and countering violent extremism, as well as our work with Nordic Safe Cities. This conversation reflected a wider global discussion about enhancing the roles of cities in diplomacy, security, and development, either complementing or counterbalancing national efforts.
The moderated discussion allowed panelists to reflect on the achievements and potential of cities in different contexts, identifying common challenges and opportunities but also highlighting important context-specific dynamics and opportunities.Speakers included:
- Mr. Eric Rosand, Visiting Senior Fellow at The Soufan Center & Executive Director of the Strong Cities Network;
- Ms. Emerita Torres, Senior Research Fellow at The Soufan Center & Democratic state committee member for the 85th District (Bronx, NY);
- Mr. Jeppe Albers, Executive Director of Nordic Safe Cities;
- Ms. Naureen Chowdhury Fink, Executive Director of The Soufan Center [moderator].
Relevant Resources: LINK 2) TSC Project, supported by Nordic Safe Cities LINK 3) Op-ed by Emerita Torres, “The Future of Diplomacy Is Local” LINK
1) TSC Issue Brief, “Promoting Democracy & Security in Africa: Don’t Forget Cities”