January 16, 2019

Exploring Permanent Conflicts Across the MENA Region: How Violent Extremist Groups Exacerbate this Trend

The Salon Series, a collaborative event series between The Soufan Center and the Carnegie Corporation of New York, will host an intimate roundtable event featuring renowned terrorism expert Richard Barrett entitled: “Exploring permanent conflicts across the MENA region: How violent extremist groups exacerbate this trend.”

Across the Middle East and North Africa, East Africa and the Sahel, conflicts rage seemingly without end. Have we entered a time of “permanent conflicts?” How have the nature and duration of violent movements changed over time? What are the ways in which the rise of violent extremist movements created the environments for permanent conflicts? How have these conflicts contributed to the persistence of terrorist groups operating both as insurgents but also as de facto governments across these regions? More importantly, what can governments, civil society actors and practitioners in the field do about it? This session will aim to answer these questions, featuring independent analysis of current trends in politics and governance, deconstructing the interplay among economics, corruption, criminal networks and violence.

This event will take place in London, United Kingdom, on Wednesday 16th January 2019. The discussion will be moderated by Meredith Stricker, Executive Director of The Soufan Center. For more information on this event please email


About The Salon Series

The Soufan Center Salon Series offers informed, collaborative, provocative, and exclusive discussions that explore critical issues in the fields of international law, global and human security, human rights, political and religious violence, ideology and rhetoric, and more.