February 12, 2019

Anatomy of Terror: From the Death of Bin Laden to the Rise of the Islamic State

To defeat today’s terrorists, we must work to understand their worldview, motivations, and ideology. In this conversation with Idean Salehyan, Professor of Political Science at the University of North Texas, Ali Soufan will dissect contemporary jihadi terrorism from the death of Bin Laden to the rise, fall of the Islamic State, and discuss what is likely to come next. Despite robust international security responses, jihadist groups and individuals continue to survive military defeats and domestic security efforts, posing a continued threat in both Muslim-majority countries and the West. Contemporary responses have focused on fighting organizations and attacking structures, while terrorists have regrouped and refocused their ideology and message. ‘Bin Ladenism’ occupies space within the minds of the vulnerable and the alienated – and it is within this space where the solution to fighting jihadi terrorism and extremism lies.


This event is organized by the John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies at Southern Methodist University and will take place in Dallas, Texas. The event is free and open to the public, please see full details here: Link 

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