September 9, 2021

9/11: Two Decades of Disruption

On September 9, 2021, IFTRIP, in collaboration with the U.S. Treasury, presented a special docufilm event called ‘9/11: Two Decades of Disruption.’ Ali Soufan, Founder of The Soufan Center, joined the docufilm, which featured a variety of speakers including former security and intelligence experts, industry leaders, academics, and government officials who all shared their memories, experiences and insights into the attack, the consequences that have shaped global events since, and how the (re)insurance industry has evolved over the last 20 years. The docufilm speakers analyzed, discussed, and questioned the intelligence shortfalls that existed at the time of 9/11, how the threat manifested itself, how similar terrorism threats are managed and mitigated today, and how to ensure the resilience of economies and societies to terrorism.